Jason Fried on Sales, Learning, Software & Pricing

Everything is sales. We don’t have any sales people at 37signals, but everything we are doing is sales.

Sales isn’t so much gimmicky pricing ending in 9′s or copy writing, or ad placement – It is about communicating the value of your product.

I used to sell shoes, and we had reps come in and teach us about shoes. A rep would come in and talk about ethyl vinyl acetate, which is a foam that goes into shoes to help absorb shock. He’d be all pumped about EVA, and this technology, as if it really mattered. When customers come in they look at some shoes. They pick it up and flip it around a bit. Then you ask to try on a pair. People are looking for design, comfort and affordability. Nobody cares about EVA foam.

You have to understand in your product that you need to talk about what matters to the customer, because they don’t care about the tech.

Jason Fried has written many wonderful things over the years, and this quotation came from set of questions in one post. Some of the other questions include: Continue reading “Jason Fried on Sales, Learning, Software & Pricing”

Kickstart Today – olympics, coffee & zombies

We love Kickstarter projects & watch for great projects. Today we have some ending that we like, and want to mention others.

A little about Kickstarter Campaigns

It’s a great system where talent based projects can seek funding by basically pre-selling items. It works on a donation & reqard pledge drive system. Basically the artist starts a campaign to raise $X number of dollars. Individuals make pledges. If the goal is reached, the money is delivered, if the goal is not reached – no money ever comes out of anyone’s bank account. Continue reading “Kickstart Today – olympics, coffee & zombies”

Attention Economy hits Home @SAHceo

Ever struggle with the question of if anyone is consuming your media. You produce and produce and see little or no results? There is a spectrum of too little to too much content released & today on Stay At Home CEO a post is released focused on the Attention Economy.

The article is written for Stay At Home Dads and Stay At Home Moms, especally those wanting to build a business, but the idea really applys to you. Especally if stay at home parents are part of your target market.

Something other then spamming the crap out of people is needed if you want long term success & ever want to reduce the amount of work you need to do for results. The funny thing is you don’t define “spamming” your potential audiance does.